The ARA continues to work with AutoHouse Technologies in summarizing the collision repair industry data on a quarterly basis. This information helps industry to better understand their performance and provides us metrics to better ascertain our performance against other provinces that utilize a crown insurance model.
Overall the report demonstrates a few changes in the BC market place…some of which may be linked to a change in the vehicles being repaired.
***Thank you to the shops who contribute their data to help produce this analysis. If you’d like to be added to the collection (your data is aggregated to protect your individual performance) please reach out to AutoHouse Technologies)
The graphs at the end of this report really help to paint the picture for 2020.
Average Sales
– Other than a blip due to COVID where we saw less customers attending with their drivable vehicles our average insurance sales have slowly been creeping up which is what you would expect with the technology being used in the construction of vehicles. (not to mention industry is better adopting scanning and calibrations). With this we also see our parts dropping slightly while our labour increases.
Average Parts
– From an insurer perspective I’m sure ICBC will be happy to see that OEM parts has declined while aftermarket and recycled are on their way up.
Average Materials
– We continue to see the inevitable increases to materials. (ICBC is aware)
Cycle & Touch Time
– Our BC cycle time has been up and down but overall on par for the year however we’re seeing a slight improvement in Touch Time. This is important as it signifies industry continues to find ways to become more profitable with control over things like; repair mix and the amount of inventory on site. Just in time repairs increases gross profit compared with having a huge inventory hanging around fuelling inefficiency.
View the full report here.