It’s not often we have the opportunity to celebrate success like this. The ARA is happy to announce that ICBC has confirmed the implementation of a procedure to recognize the feather, prime, and block operation. This is great news and supports the work the ARA, other industry members, along with ICBC staff have completed in MD Tech Liaison to resolve this issue.
This issue, raised by the ARA on behalf of industry has been on the books since late 2015, and demonstrates that although the process was lengthy, the process did work. It was a collaborative effort and we should be appreciative of the role ICBC played in partnering with us to obtain acceptance. Any such agreement goes through the highest levels of scrutiny before being approved.
The adoption of a temporary application by the end of April is to the benefit of industry while ICBC looks to implement a long term application with Mitchell Cloud.
To clarify why Feather, Prime, & Block (FPB) was raised as an issue:
- To ensure industry is compensated for the work they complete.
- Paint application in all estimating platforms is based against an “undamaged panel” while a repaired panel is recognized as being finished to a 150 grit. Between this point and obtaining the undamaged panel refinish (320-400 grit (dry) or 500-600 grit (wet)) is where FPB exists. This is a paint operation which requires sanding, masking, prime and blocking to obtain that undamaged finish for paint application.
Stay tuned for the temporary application policy from ICBC.