AREA Update

“The reunification of ARA and AREA will provide the industry with the ability to meet new challenges and provide us with new opportunities to grow and sustain the industry well into the 21st century.”

by Stuart Ady, president of the Automotive Recyclers Environmental Association and chairman of the B.C. Auto Recyclers Division, Automotive Retailers Association (ARA) 

It has been an exciting and challenging year for the Automotive Recyclers Environmental Association (AREA). Colin McKean officially retired as AREA’s executive director and compliance auditor in 2022, and Rick Grindrod (who was selected to replace Colin) had to resign due to unforeseeable circumstances. This left us without an auditor for 2024. However, we were able to find a replacement and have chosen Terra West Environmental to conduct the environmental compliance audits. 

We have been very pleased with Terra West, and we have been able to complete and pass over 68 recyclers in the province. Terra West brings years of experience to AREA, and with offices in the interior and Vancouver Island, we can provide full coverage to every part of the province.  

AREA’s audit fee structure presented a challenge due to rising costs, so fees had to be increased in 2024. However, Terra West has offered a fair and competitive fee structure despite the rampant inflation business and households have experienced over the last few years. The old rates had not been increased in years, and it was simply a matter of remaining competitive with the times.  

AREA has always been able to provide the industry with the lowest cost options for meeting environmental regulatory compliance, but there is more. We are excited to announce AREA’s reunification with the ARA, which will help bring our operations into the modern era. Alongside Ken Hendricks and the B.C. Auto Recyclers, we will be working with our stakeholder partners to help modernize regulations and policy, making way for the eventual transition to electric vehicles.  

The reunification of ARA and AREA will provide the industry with the ability to meet new challenges and provide us with new opportunities to grow and sustain the industry well into the 21st century. I look forward to meeting with members in person our upcoming general meetings. Stay tuned by reading ARA News, connect through social media, and engage with the community.  

The ARA encourages non-members to consider joining the association to support ongoing advocacy efforts and to benefit from the full range of membership advantages. To become a member, please visit